When your event needs one-of-a-kind visual panache, light painting can deliver. Our talented and trained light painters use slow-exposure photography to capture light in motion over seconds and even minutes. With their expertise, our artists can craft images that use light like brushstrokes to create a unique three-dimensional image or video.
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Light painters can create images or animations prior to your event so you can have the perfect bespoke story for your show. This unusual visual display is perfect for product releases, logo reveals, re-branding roll-outs – any time a new image needs to be presented in the freshest and most exciting way possible. Use light art for event decor, invitations, and advertisements.
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Light painters can also create art as live entertainment at your event. Use a projector to show the light artist at work so your guests can be amazed at the final product after seeing all of the steps that went into making it. We can even turn your guests into artists themselves with our innovative light art photo booth, which lets your guests use their own lights and motion to make still images and videos. Our light painters will show the guests at your event that art isn’t limited to the canvas! Feature this unforgettable display at your event for a high-tech twist on classic beauty.
Corporate Entertainment Agency (CEA) is a dynamic international entertainment agency that has been crafting unforgettable event experiences from our USA and UK offices for over seven years. Our team combines extensive corporate entertainment expertise with firsthand performance experience, giving us unique insight into creating spectacular events that leave lasting impressions.
As pioneers in digital entertainment, we specialize in cutting-edge offerings including video mapping, LED performances, digital magic, and holographic displays. Our roster spans traditional and contemporary talent - from keynote speakers and award hosts to acrobats and musicians - allowing us to curate perfectly matched entertainment for any corporate event, conference, or private celebration.
What sets us apart is our passionate commitment to both artistic excellence and technological innovation. Our team of entertainment industry veterans approaches each event with creative vision and meticulous attention to detail, handling everything from initial talent selection to seamless day-of execution. We pride ourselves on transforming client visions into reality while delivering exceptional customer service that takes the stress out of event planning.