Circus Performer Sara
A Phenomenal world class act of boleadoras. Usually performed by men, Circus Performer Sara manipulates Boleadoras, originally a hunting weapon used by Argentinian Gauchos in a unique way in the world. Two small plastic balls, attached to strings are swung in different combinations through the air while beating a rhythm in the same time on the floor. Sarah adds manipulation, flexibility moves and do boleadoras on all styles of musics and rhythms. Unique and thrilling.
Based in Sydney, Circus Performer Sara has trained for 10 years with Cirque du Soleil trainers. Her selected credits include Cirque du Soleil, Cirque Eloize (Dubai), Celine Dion, Sochi and Vancouver Olympic Winter Games Ceremonies, GOP Sydney and Slide Cabaret (Australia), 7 fingers, Best of Broadway (Atlantic City), Compania Nuevo Arte Nativo (Argentina), Symphony in Blue (Malausia), Les Sortilèges (Canada) and many tv shows, movies and commercials. She has over 10 years of professional performance experience in America, Australia, Asia, Europe.